Finnish songs?

There are not many happy moments to speak of in Finnish history.

Well, now is definitely your time. Everybody and every country is looking your way and is "envious" of your education system, your land/nature, the many lakes, the fact that Finnish people seem to have overall a good healthy and well-balanced life, because of a good social net... oh, and your very progressive prison system, and just the way your police (seem to) act (from what we see online) and treat people (with respect).

And I say that as a Québécois/Canadian - I am lucky to have grown up here, but our services are getting worst, unfortunately. Also, no later than last week, I read an article about an education professional who was just back from Finland, visiting the school system, and telling us how we need to do the same. Of course, it wasn't the first time I heard about your amazing schools.

Thank you for sharing about the History. I get it. "Being happy with what you have" certainly is a reaction to a not too far away difficult past, and so a constant "uncertain future". I think it is a good thing to be grateful, though. Maybe it's a national mentality, but for those who really do feel this gratitude, I think it is a good thing... if it's related to people's present, and not to the past, and the " past uncertainties".

Thank you!

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