All Hail the Dead Pit

In elementary my bff and I had this game we played with our barbies.

First of all, like the fate of all barbies and kens eventually, we’d lost the clothes and accessories long ago so her Barbie dollhouse was just full of nude barbies and kens sprawled everywhere.

Now to the game! We had one of those Barbie convertible jeeps, where the front windshield folded down with enough force applied to it.

We’d put naked Barbie and Ken in the Jeep with the windshield up, and then we’d go to the top of the stairs. We’d then send the Jeep and it’s unfortunate occupants careening down the stairs, cheering as it crashed on the tile below.

If it landed face up and Barbie and ken were still in it, they were unharmed and miraculously survived a beachside cliff crash.

If it landed face down with the windshield flattened, we decided Barbie and Ken had both been decapitated by the windshield and died. We’d then pop their heads off and hold a dramatic funeral.

We played this game A LOT. Guess which outcome was more likely.

Little girls are hilariously fucked up haha

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