Alpha Late17 channel deleted !!! This channel was closed and is no longer available.

right track?do you even check on both sides,alpha is suspicious as fk that he upload his video too fast,theories that include scientific and logic explaining takes weeks/months of research,INCLUDING's like he's the one who betrayed community duude,if it's last resort,then why the hell did he upload a clickbait titled video including voice reveal?Ha!his voice,his tone i can really say something's suspicious about it,i don't feel sad hearing his voice despite i'm an empath myself.and the next thing?on his video he BLAME OTHER PEOPLE,BLAME.that's the wrong decision for last resort right?he deleted his twitter btw,i feel deceived too cause i also watched his whole vids as a sub myself sigh.Oh,hear this out.If you have an argument with someone and you corner him with valid,on point things with explanation,then he(panicking) finds and tells others about your PAST FAULTS,which is already in the past(can't change),then he already lost the argument with you,the same applies with community against him,and he tells others(his fans)about your PAST FAULTS(fake or not).he lost!his fans,including me doesn't know jackshit about orojackson until this came up.i hope this is enough,check both sides first before decide things,if there's third side,check on all three of them,i saw all of his tweets(about this incident) too ya know?it's already checkmate when he's forced to corner and BLAME others first.i waste my time typing here just to warn you(and others)'s for you to decide things,your life,if i'm wrong then tell me,i will try to,back to my own life of first comment virginity.oh,one more thing,i heard in orojackson that of all thief,alpha is the most cancerous one,claimed by the community itself,plus youtube right now are on the 'purging stage' go check GradeAUnderA's yt channel on research towards the state of youtube right now,so yeah.bye ihope someone read this,back to incurable depression land i go!not because of alpha though,something personal irl.ciao(with expressionless face xd)making money off of someone's years of research,is a really fucked up thing,it's pretty fair that his channel got hacked and deleted,his videos were made by other people too.and he gave up the first time he got cornered,even Sam Pepper knows what he's gonna do.Sam Pepper got shit on all over internet for months,and he's still here apologize to the community,starting a new life on youtube.the community forgave him though.fuck this neverending essay i'm writing,fuck this shit.and Sam don't blame other hough,he thought to himself,"others can do this(bad) thing,why can't i?i will make it even more better(bad-er) and realistic than other,then bamm he got a title one of most cascerous shit on youtube.all of this is on channel Drama Alert on youtube.check it out.i'm not on anyone's side is my decision,i just choose what's fair.

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