I am a 26 year old with Asperger syndrome/HFA, OCD, bipolar disorder, synesthesia and severe migraine headaches. My IQ is 134 and I used to believe I was an alien abductee but no longer do. AMA

It's amazing that people are just taking this at face value. Any AMA that has something about OP's IQ in the title should immediately be scrutinized.

Your first submission - Why I Left Portland - is just as rambling and personal as this one and not a single sentence alludes to any of these problems that you've mentioned here. If you really had Asperger's, I feel like that would have come up when you were criticizing Portland's social scene, for example, since you seem so keen to talk about it here. You also seem to imply that you would drive in Portland if it weren't for the traffic despite saying in this AMA that you can't drive. In any case, you talk about taking 40-minute bus rides with some regularity despite, here, saying that they "are difficult but doable in moderation." In fact, throughout that entire post, you sound like a person without a single one of the problems you've claimed to have in this submission. But that's not necessarily "damning" evidence. Let's keep digging.

I find it hard to believe that anyone with an IQ of 134 would honestly think that "If 3D printing was combined with Internet technology, you could download virtually anything off the Internet including things like food, beer, organs, and toiletries by obtaining the code to 3D print it at home. Not to mention the fact that your post history is almost exclusively made up of /r/AskReddit submissions that are either A. easily researched or B. so inane and subjective that an intelligent person would realize that there was no actual answer to the question asked. Oh, and I would think that a person with an IQ of 134 would realize that there's no way an earthquake affected your fetal development.

There's a ton more in your post history and I really don't feel like wasting time with it. But I think you're full of shit.

/r/AMA Thread