So One Redditor Complained A while Ago and Actually Had a Good Case

The wording is not the same - I commented below but here is a copy+paste of it.

The first card has "...then *x effect" which means it needs the first effect to happen.

Cards that have a period and another effect are 2 separate effects. The second card in your list has "X effect . Y effect" meaning it is 2 effects.

It is the same as the card Golden Aegis which "Give target creature barrier. Rally" - if the target is killed you still rally despite no barrier being made. If the wording was "Give target creature barrier then rally" you would need to give the creature barrier for the rally to occur.

Always look at every word in a card. Sometimes a simple word like "then" can make all the difference.

/r/LegendsOfRuneterra Thread Parent Link -