I am gay. I don't agree with Christians on a lot of things, but I know they aren't actively trying to throw me off a roof or decapitate me

That's a pretty good justification for believing homosexuality to be wrong within the scope of Christianity. You obviously know more about the historical aspects of it and how it's changed over time than I do, so I'm glad to hear it's not as inconsistent as I had thought. I think if I were a Christian I would still be troubled by the fact that God made it possible for humans to be gay in the first place, seemingly only for the purpose of "testing" their devotion at the expense of potentially a large chunk of their happiness, but I guess at the end of the day that just brings us right back to the sentiment of this thread:

If you don't like the Christian morality, you don't have to follow it. If you're gay, it probably doesn't suit you, and I think most Christians think it's perfectly fine for people to have their own beliefs. Just like the OP said, unlike a certain other religion, modern Christians generally aren't going to go around killing gay people just because gay is against their religion. And because of that, there's no problems coexisting.

Thanks for the good discussion dude.

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