The vast majority of material the public is exposed to on climate change isn't scientific, it is political. Whatever the science behind it, the left, by pushing a largely political movement as science, has put itself in a position where it can call political opposition science denial, but rarely is the scientific data exposed. It is politically expedient to come from a place of "abject truth" wether deservedly or not. I don't think the vast majority of people who are skeptical of climate change are denying its existence, I just don't think that a good job has been done convincing the average person who doesn't toe the left political line, that the problem is man made. Simply telling people in mass that your conclusion are more correct than theirs is a political strategy not a strategy for communicating. The rejection of climate change arguments is largely a political rejection of socialist solutions to climate change. People who have come to see climate change through the lens of progressive politics see the agenda of the left in the same framing that has been described in this video concerning soviet "science". What is becoming harder and harder, as people pull further to political opposites is having an honest conversation on topics. If you want to solve climate change, or any other issue for that matter, you must come from a perspective that the oppositions perspective isn't complete shit, and compel your opposition to the same opinion on your beliefs. This isn't done through screeching and name calling. This isn't done by considering your own political "beliefs" abject truth. Unless the science is clearly and concisely explained, unless you understand the science fully, what you hold is not truth, but a belief. Some scientists may hold the truth, but just as you may consider a scientist who shills The Donald's view on climate change a fraud or at least politically motivated, understand that there is the same concern in the opposition to scientists who shill things that are politically expedient to the left. I can't image something more transparently politically expedient than "the world will die a slow painful death if you don't vote for (insert candidate of choice)"

/r/thedonald Thread Link -