An article in the Atlantic about the Oppression Olympics, a shooter whose platform was out of SRS, the banning of Tyler the Creator from the UK...

Most feminists are the "armchair" variety. "Yay girlpower" etc. However they are being led by women who are far more destructive to society and culture than any SJW. These are women that have powerful positions at most universities and ultimately are the one's steering the Social Justice narrative. In reality, SJWs and Feminists are subsets of Social Marxists.

The Social Marxism movement started shortly after Soviet Marxism. Essentially they substituted social classes for economic classes. Instead of the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, their struggle was between the Socially Privileged and the Oppressed. In the late 70's feminism adopted this narrative as The Patriarchy vs. the Oppressed Women. ( The obvious problem here is that Patriarchy died with Feudalism over 500 years ago.) SJWs aren't a modern invention either. They have roots in the social progressive movements of the 60's but again... the progressives adopted the Social Marxist narrative of the Socially Priveleged vs. the Oppressed.

These things were all considered pretty far out Marxist bullshit and really never had any audience until the mid 2000s and the Internet. Suddenly, all these people who didn't particularly like themselves found other people that gave them "hope" (and excuse). It's not that you are fucked up and nobody likes you... it's that you are being systematically oppressed. (by those evil straight white men)

Ironically, the movement spread from fat white chicks that can't get a date (feminists) to weird white guys that nobody likes (and can't get a date) ... to angry black chicks, black guys that got beat up a lot, furries, bronies, and all sorts of other people with weird sexual preferences. Eventually it went mainstream with Tumblr and suddenly every unpopular kid in America from the special snowflake generation was talking about their "gender ambiguity", "headmates", and all the fake mental disorders they diagnosed themselves with.

At this point the "Social Justice" movement doesn't give two fucks about actual racial equality or anything that could potentially help society. They are basically waging a war of revenge against all the normal people that thought they should take a shower more than once a week.

Their goal isn't to do anything profound. It's simply to make us miserable. They will fuck up our websites, attack our video games, attack our comedians and pretty much anything that we enjoy. This is literally nothing more than "lets get back at the people who made us feel bad for being sub-par as children". It's certainly not the lofty goals that the Social Marxists had in mind. This is why you see them as aggressive and shitty people. Because they are.

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