/r/Blackout2015 no longer wants users to criticize moderators and is trying to redirect such complaints to smaller and more limited spaces

Couple of things.

That post about MF leaving SRD was total shit. Who give a damn? The sub is no better.

Are you seriously suggesting that [this][/r/subredditdrama/about/moderators) is something to celebrate? If there was a serious direction change in SRD (in any direction) we'd be happy to discuss it in SRC, but this was just a pointless shitpost from an disgruntled former SRC mod who just wants to bitch about the sub now. It wasn't even dramatic.

As for trying to move certain topcs off /r/blackout2015... We've had people complaining about SRC involvement with the sub since the start. There is also a growing complaint that having /r/blackout2015 as our hub severely dates the subreddit and limits it's interests.

The blackout meant very different things to the meta-moderators who started it and the wider reddit community who is more concerned with reddit censorship, moderator abuse and admin mismanagement. They're very separate issues and it's really only chance that they wound up being bundled together (probably because both meta-moderators and regular redditors were unhappy with admin treatment of Victoria.).

Moving focus to a different sub is complicated. There have been numerous ideas. Some have even suggested locking down /r/blackout2015 and putting a redirction link up. Putting a suggestion in a sticky seemed like one of the least forceful ways of trying out a move, but even this is too dictatorial for some evidently.

SRC is a smaller sub. I agree. It didn't get all the forced traffic to boost its numbers during the blackout. That's not a good argument for changing another sub to suit its purpose.

As for posts about bans from places like /r/me_irl, /r/offmychest and a couple of other subs, the community is fucking sick of hearing about them. It's really only when somebody new from TiA or KiA wanders in that it comes up now. In case you haven't figured it out it's an attention grabbing troll from those cancer mods and the sooner we stop feeding their vanity the better.

Have you searched how many times those topic have been covered in there already? offmychest and me_irl

How many more threads would you like to see on the matter? How many more till we convince them to change their minds?

There is a point at which it stops being interesting and becomes little more than "A bot banned me because it was programed to. Gimme attention and Karma!"

Why not post one about /r/rape /r/rapecounseling? I don't believe we've had anybody post about that particular disgrace yet.

Personally I'm not a fan of meta-posts in /r/undelete, but perhaps that's just me.

/r/Oppression Thread