What advice do you wish you had before starting nursing school?

Don't go into healthcare. Don't try to find a job you are good at. We don't live in a fictional fantasy world, no-one cares. No one cares about you at all. You will be used and spat out. It doesn't matter how 'good you are' at things. Companies do not care about what they say they care about, they only ever care about money. Do something easy that pays well and doesn't wreck your body.

Be prepared that there are many people working in healthcare that do not value science or evidence... it IS NOT a given that everything is justifiable, logical and evidence based (this was the reason I got in actually... got sick of my other career that was totally not evidence based - teaching - if ONLY I KNEW!!!)

Pushing trolleys is great while young, cleaning is wonderful. Go and get a bloody trade though before you're too old.

All of this is only really relevant because I am a male, I am pretty evidence/science obsessed and I live in Australia.

I doubt nurses are paid as much as cleaners everywhere. Here there is a $5/h (AUD, which is less valuable than USD) difference between trolley-pushers and nurses. I literally earn the same in my nursing job and my cleaning job.

Moving further away from HC every day and feeling so much better mentally.

/r/nursing Thread