AITA for demanding an apology from my wife?

I agree, I didn’t forgive her. Not for lack of trying though. I wanted to. I also tried forgetting it even happened m. And trying to say it wouldn’t happen again because of the family issues being resolved. I wanted to forgive but emotions rarely do what they’re told to do. Being more ready to forgive and forget is something I absolutely need to work on

I’ll point out, I didn’t hold it over her and I didn’t bring it up so late after wards. It was a constant thing that caused strife since it happened and I asked for her to help me find trust in her again by not lying to me about money anymore.

I only demanded it (as opposed to asking for it) after she demanded a proposal. Hopefully that clears things up

But again, I don’t think I’m blameless either. And a lot of what you love brought up is helpful and giving me things to ensure I keep analyzing and working on. So thank you

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent