Ancaps I have a question about the NAP

My interpretation of the N.A.P is basically: "Anything that doesn't violate individual sovereignty goes". As long as you don't Rob, Assault, Murder, Rape, ETC, another individual, your fine. The government usually violates the N.A.P on the daily with Robbery (Taxation) and has Assaulted people on multiple occasions, and threatens Assault and Imprisonment on a daily basis as part of it's natural function.

So with that, you're definitely justified in attacking government buildings and complexes.To me the real dilemma is really choosing your battles. Like when and what to protest, when to riot, when to rise up and occupy. Protesting, you can do anytime, but with riots and uprisings, you don't wanna jump the gun as you can be easily vilified by your adversaries and lose the trust and good faith from the public depending on your actions. For rioting and occupying, for example, you really need to make sure the public is on your side and discontent to the point that the vilification from the media and governmental officials is either mostly, or straight up ignored. So again, to me, it's mostly about choosing your battle's.

/r/libertarianunity Thread