Has ANet said anything about legacy characters who already have all skills and traits unlocked having to use the new system?

What do you mean I'm not entitled to a "fully complete character" "in WvW"? WvW and PvE skills, gear, and traits are the same; if you can unlock everything in PvE, then you can also unlock everything in WvW. I honestly don't know what you mean by this that my character wouldn't be "complete in WvW".

I'm not saying I'm entitled to a complete character right from the get-go. I'm not saying WvW should be like sPvP where everyone has every skill by default. I'm not saying that I'm entitled to get new stuff without working for it.

I'm simply saying that I should be able to keep the stuff I've already earned and not have it snatched out from under me. I've already unlocked every skill in the game on my characters for use in PvE and WvW. I'm simply saying that none of those should disappear behind a new wall of progression. I'm saying that a new progression system should add new stuff, not take 14% of my old stuff and make me earn it again. Hell, I'd be pissed even if I were a PvE player. It's not just the fact that Hero Challenges are PvE content that's insulting - it's the fact that, after a patch, you're going to have to do a fair amount of progression not to move forward, but simply to counteract the negative effect the patch has had on your functionality.

Basically, if I have a skill unlocked before this patch hits, I should have it unlocked after this patch hits. If they added a new skill (which they're not, but for the sake of argument), then I should have to work for that new skill, however they want me to. But how it's going to work is that I have to do additional PvE progression simply to unlock skills I had access to before the patch, but I won't have access to after. My previous progression in the game has been devalued. That's what I think is fucked up, especially in an MMO.

And with the EB challenges being in objectives, how are lower-tier servers that get completely dominated in territory control supposed to get to certain skill points? There are servers that hold SMC from reset to reset, how is a player from one of the other two servers supposed to even get into SMC to get that skill point?

So no, it's not a "whinge", you pompous ass. This is an actual, tangible invalidation of existing player progression in both PvE and WvW, and something I would consider a slap in the face to completionists, theorycrafters, and basically anyone else who had thought that the skills they unlocked 2.5 years ago would always be theirs, because now 14% of them won't be.

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