Orlando PD starts internal investigation into excessive force case "The video shows Liese ask for paramedics for more than 20 times in more than 90 minutes. But under oath, Faulkner told OPD’s internal affairs that Liese repeatedly refused medical treatment"

The vast majority of people aren't hardwired sociopaths, but if a critical mass happens to transgress upon some essential reason/values, the potential social insecurity for anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line is daunting. The gravity of any conflicts is immense from the get-go. It's like if everyone got fungus in their brain and started eating their babies and you were the first one who made them see what they were doing. What do you think is going to happen first: they accept that they are responsible for something worse than the worst possible things, or that you're a fucking witch in need of a burning? Cause those are the options you're giving them.

The same cultural sources that blame human nature for this tendency also make a habit of systematically conditioning each fucking generation of developing human brains to ostracize peers who are fundamentally critical-of or incompatible-with the status quo, so I'm not sure what can be done about it quickly enough to skirt the collapse of this particular iteration of civilization.

However, it does seem like the Enlightenment has been going on for so fucking long now in the background of this kind of nonsense that all you have to do with any of these complex social problems is just to stop stressing people out so fucking much with contrived, imposed bullshit. Just the ever present hum of neglected wisdom in even some of the most generic pop culture might be enough for collectives of those who aren't so habituated to draining environments that they actually orient themselves around purposeful things on impulse, as if that was human nature. It really is getting to the point where it's going to be more difficult for us to turn the globe into a gigantic hell than a practical utopia, and we might go ahead with the hell just because we won't have the humility to admit how ridiculously unnecessary the destruction already caused has been. It's like how cycles of abuse continue on as if desperately attempting to justify the first episode by some otherworldly logic. We give so much arbitrary power to centralized constructs, despite such models being insufficient for systems as complex as insect colonies, and when those all-consuming powers inevitably fuck up and overwhelm us with fear and rage, they are compelled to double-down on their control over us, again and again until we're all-in on a bid against ourselves.

If police departments facilitating general competence by minimizing unhealthy stress rather than exclusively hiring those who can "handle it" is too much to ask, then maybe body cams will help. Let's wait for the bureaucracy to roll that out so its initial logistical downfalls can create fodder for "news" and keep us spinning round this world we're so wisely cynical of.

Therapeutic procrastination rant over. Time to masturbate and then eat comfort food while immersing myself in the shame my culture thinks I deserve because I just don't have the willpower to stop myself, nevermind the amount of willpower I needed to resist the persistent temptation for as long as I will have up until when I enter my lonely refractory period.

Stay positive, everybody.

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