It's annoying hearing the liberal arts constantly being shat on

yeah, I agree. I understand when people say liberal arts degrees may not be the most useful in certain circumstances (like, if ur gonna take out 50k in loans its better to get a degree that is more likely to help pay all that back in a timely manner), but that doesn't mean they're outright 100% useless in life. I feel like a lot of people think that if your degree doesn't get you a job that pays 100k right out of college then it's not worth it. It's frustrating, but I've gotten to a point where I start to ignore it. Like, people claim that you simply cannot get a job with a liberal arts degree but then have never actually looked up the jobs that you can get with those degrees. Of course, they're going to pay less than stem degrees, but that doesn't mean they're totally worthless. I know myself and I know that if I got a stem degree I'd probably kill myself (I'm not exaggerating) bc I simply can't handle the idea of just getting a degree bc it'll make me a bunch of $ even if I hate it (not that there's anything wrong with people who choose that route). Everyone has different motivations in life and the idea that everyone should just say "fuck you" to liberal arts degree and just go into stem is crazy. Like, not everyone has to follow the same path in life. I simply cannot fathom why some people bother shitting on someone else's life choices if they don't affect them. Like wtf?!?! Wow, I really went on a tangent here....sorry.

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread