Any Australian tinnitus sufferers in this sub?

Please excuse bad spelling and shit like that I'm on mobile and at work. Also sorry about how long it is I just got writing and couldn't really shorten it down.

I got it about a year ago after a mates birthday. Went out to the club and took some extacy stayed in the club all night for about 10 hours Couple days later I thaught I could hear running water but it was my damaged ears I didn't really start freaking out untill a couple of days later when It didn't go away. I went out that weekend after too because I didn't realise id damaged my ears and I think that was what cemented my fate. At first it was really bad I couldn't sleep I was having panic attacks which is something I've never had in my life and my god I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

I started managing it as soon as I could and got an audiologist check me out within the first month, she told me I have mild hearing loss in my right ear but no damage to my left she believes that I've fixated on it and my brain now registeres the noise as "normal" so I started TRT tinnitus retraining therapy and I think that really helped it allowed me to sleep at night without the noises making life hell.

I had a really tough time for the first 9 months it completely destroyed my life and I was considering suicide and all kinds of things. it's best to note that I also have been diagnosed with depression two years before as a result of general life troubles and I was on a good path of making progress and this just knocked me so badly into a place where I thaught I couldn't recover.

The one thing that kept me going was my girlfriend at the time. She encouraged me to get therapy and continue on when I was having a bad day. She pritty much saved my life I don't know how I could have made it without here. Kind of scary to know that.

Since then I'm gradually noticed a slight decrease in the noise I'm not really sure if that's because my ears have gotten a bit better or my perception of the sounds has changed from something bad to a mild annoyance I can manage.

I'm now able to sleep at night without a fan on or noise generator and the only times I have to actively think about it is when I go somewhere that is loud and I always carry earplugs with me on my key ring just to be safe.

Also I think it should be said that I'm a boilermaker so I work in an incredibly noise environment day in day out and having good earplugs has allowed my to continue working and protect my ears from further damage I also never listen to music with earbuds in anymore. Just to me safe.

So that's my story in a nutshell if you want to know more or have questions let me know

So what's your story?

/r/tinnitus Thread Parent