How fucked am I when I’m older?

I didn’t touch weed till I got tinnitus. So I did not receive tinnitus from weed.

Doesn't really matter. Anything that can do further damage to your hearing may worsen the tinnitus, regardless of what caused it initially.

The chemicals they say MAY be ototoxic come from the smoke of marijuana itself.

It's almost certainly ototoxic, but to what extent is not yet known.

I use a verbalized which vapes the weed, meaning you aren’t breathing in plant matter and the chemicals from actual combustion of weed.

Yes that does make a difference and you did not mention that you were using a vaporizer.

But vaporizers aren't necessarily safe either. They do contain dangerous substances and, while they may not be explicitely labeled as ototoxic, if anything that is toxic gets into your ears via the eustachian tube it may result in damage to your inner ear.

It's a lot safer than smoking the plant matter, but it still isn't 100% safe.

Marijuana has not been found ototoxic in any reputable large study.

Okay? Marijuana smoke is almost definitely ototoxic to at least some degree. A more in-depth study might be useful in figuring out just how much it effects us but it's not necessary to determine that it's not completely safe.

Also your first of your sources mention caffeine and alcohol. If you consume either of those you are also making yours worse according to you.

They can make tinnitus and other hearing-related problems temporarily worse for some people though they usually don't cause any permanent issues. That's why some people in this sub recommend avoiding them.

But the effects of long-term use of marijuana may be more permanent, similar to the permanent effects of tobacco.

And your first 2 links both say the exact same things. 3rd link was just garbage too.

So it's garbage because you don't agree with it? At least the third article refers to a legitimate source. The site you linked me to was a store that sells vaporizes, which is almost certainly going to be biased, and it fails to cite any of it's sources. It doesn't even mention anything about ototocixity.

If you want to smoke marijuana or use a vaporizer then do it, but it's not completely safe regardless of whether or not you want to believe it.

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