Any marketing/sales psychology advice gurus present? Our startup needs your feedback/advice

Yes, and I plan to spend tomorrow doing just that.

Out of hours browsing looks like up to 70% of your total lot foot traffic. This means that sales staff are only able to engage a small fraction, and that those customers who are not given a reason to connect with inventory on the lot are transient, and most likely lost to other dealerships.

With respect to the booking a test drive - we live in a society of immediate gratification. In order for things to be effective, they need to be immediate - somewhat of a contradiction with "out of hours browsing". Booking a test drive there and then is the closest thing customers can get to driving the car at this point. In surveys this actually was fairly popular with prospective customers. I'll just cut to the chase here - I wasn't asking for a critique of the product. It's got solid market research behind it and sells, as well as a partner who owns multiple dealerships for direction, guidance and affirmation. The validity of the product, in the eyes of business owners, is there.

While I thank you for the time you put into your reply, the reason for the post was to get feedback on how the sticker can be optimized for conversion.

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