Mycarisorange explains how the statistics showing that "women are paid 30% less than men " is inaccurate and misleading

One thing I didn't see mentioned there is the fact that women in those positions might speak differently from the men. The way you conduct yourself has a lot to say with how others perceive and thus behave towards you. I don't think it's a secret that men and women behave very differently, and that women might speak in different ways than men.

This is anecdotal evidence but I've had many strict teachers over the years and a lot of the time people would call the female teachers "bitchy" or "nazi" etc. They would call some of the male teachers "Nazi" or "assholes" etc too, but I noticed that those teachers often conducted themselves very differently from the strict teachers that weren't called names. Two of our female teachers would often be snarky towards the guys and treat them more strict than what they did with the girls, they would often place importance in knit picking on minor mistakes and often made people feel like they were out to get them. That's why a lot of people called them names. Yet we had a male teacher that was far stricter than any of them but he acted very differently and despite that people seemed to like him more. It's hard to remember exactly what he did differently but I think a lot of it had to do with how he addressed his pupils and how he spoke and conducted himself, most of my teachers before and after him had been female and I've only had one female teacher that acted like him and we're universally liked, but out of the few male teachers I had there were 3 or 4 who acted the same way.

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