What did a SO do that made you stop and realize "They're NOT the one"?

The mafia version of Christianity uses heaven as a fear based motivator. Basically the proposition goes like this.

I'd like to offer you a gift: the protection of my unconditional love and forgiveness.

The only condition I place on this gift of unconditional love is that you have to worship me as your lord and savior

Now, I must warn you, if you choose not to accept my gift then you will not have my protection and your soul will go to hell for eternity.

And it's not enough for you to worship me. If you fail to ensure that your children, siblings, husband, friends, etc. worship me, then you will go to heaven and spend an eternity missing them.

That's the mafia approach. The strategy is to make you choose God because you're afraid.

To be clear, not all Christians are hyper-focused on this aspect of the faith. Some are taught, for example, that Jews and Muslims worship the same God, but their path to God is different.

So you can be a Christian and not torment your kids by suggesting their Dad is going to burn in hell. The religion is about compassion, love, forgiveness. If you focus on those foundational aspects of the religion, the heaven question doesn't seem as important.

My two cents. Probably worth less than that though.

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