Any other long term single-class players?

I do the same thing you do with the same class. No regrets. People sort of forget I think that when you pool all resources into one class, you get just as much variety (if not more than) as if you'd spread it across a few classes.

Why would I want just three or four dull on-curve midrange or aggro decks that all feel the same even though they're in different classes?

With a full Priest collection I can go that on-curve midrange route with Dragon Priest. But I can also do Velen OTK. I can do Spawn of Shadows OTK. I can do Djinni Priest. I can do fun Lorewalker Cho decks like what WowHobbs makes. I can mess around with endless variations of Control Priest & Divine Spirit/Inner Fire decks. I can do absolutely bonkers shit like the Herald Volajz OTK in Wild using Baron Rivendare, Embrace the Shadows, and Zombie Chow.

I mean of course if you're a whale who spends hundreds of dollars on the game like famous streamers you can just get that variance with all classes. But for average typical players like me, yeah. I think pooling everything into one class is fine.

/r/hearthstone Thread