Anyone has developed feelings for their penpal?

Not for a penpal, but for someone I didn't know in real life...yeah. Things have kinda solved itself in a quite tragic way so we're not in contact anymore. Maybe I would have snapped if it last longer? Not sure. Anyway, I don't wanna trigger anyone here so that's all I'm gonna say about that. But I can tell you what I've decided to do. I've decided to never tell them that and just enjoy my time with them. It wasn't that bad, you know. Not nearly as bad as they show it to be in all those movies. Just a tiny, stinging feeling in heart when you're reminded that you'll never gonna be the most important person in the planet as they are to you. But in general it's not like... ethereal suffering or anything like that. For me, life was definitely better with them than before meeting them. Even despite that stinging feeling. It was a good deal and I wasn't greedy so that's what I've settled for. If you feel like there is any chance that it's not an unrequited feelings, your bond is strong enough to last even if it doesn't work out and you're not living on the other side of the world (or if you're in position when you're able and willing to move to their country)...Then I would go for it, definitely. But situation in most cases isn't that comfortable. So if it's not like that in your case then...Yeah, I would definitely shut up about those feelings. But I've heard about people who took some risks and are happy now so...Who knows?

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