Anyone else ever had a pleasant SP experience?


Haha don't worry like I said I don't see her anymore so, it's almost like she disappeared.

I forgot to say another strange thing; since the first experiences, when I'm in bed I feel like the blanket is caressing my skin, as if it was pressing against my skin. It's strange but not unpleasant but the fact is that it happens PERFECTLY awake, not in a state of semi-consciousness. Also, even stranger, during a month, always in my bed, I had my lips of my mouth which bound all alone as if I kissed somebody and the lips moved of itself, as if I embarrassed an entity that I did not see, at that moment I said to myself that there is a big problem because these phenomena were when I was perfectly awake. But it lasted only one month (except for the caress, it happens very rarely) so I did not pay more attention.

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