I need help/advice. I am on night 5 of the same SP nightmare

Look, I don't do the supernatural shit. I just don't buy it. When I have sleep paraylsis, I just think positively and wait it out. In my experience, mood goes a long way. If you start to get scared or uncomfortable, just try calming yourself down. Everything is a-okay! This is your body in a difficult and kind of awkard sleeping phase. It will pass and you will wake up and all will be fine.

Try not to eat or consume caffeine right before bed, and try going to sleep at around the same time each night if it's not too inconvinient. Sleeping pills do marvels.

Everything will work out. If this continues to be a problem, go see a doctor. You may have a sleeping disorder or something going on that a professional can help you with.

/r/Sleepparalysis Thread