Anyone ever heard of Seems awful scammy

Right peeps, this is how its going to go down..... 1. Greed KILLS!!! 2. seen nr 1 My "common scense" guide to Btcclock. This guide is for MINIMISING LOSSES and NOT MAXIMISING PROFITS!!!! Whether you invest $100 or $10 000 the concept and return (3.84%) stays the same. You will sleep better at night with the $100 investment though ;) Assuming the bitcoin price stays the same it will take approx 27 days to get your initial back. If the bitcoin price doubles straight after investment it will take 13-14 days to get your return back. If the bitcoin price halves it will take 54 days etc.... The only risk is within the first 30 days or so, after that you CAN'T make a loss!!!! Assuming the bitcoin price remains constant of course. So, to MINIMISE losses..... 1. invest your hard earned money in btcclock. Link: 2. don’t reinvest ANYTHING for the first month or so. in fact, at the end of every week, withdraw your profits to you virtual wallet or bank account. 3. after the 4 time you do this you should be close to having paid out your initial investment. 4. after paying off your initial investment, start reinvesting. 5. reinvest EVERY DAY of a week. then don’t touch anything for a week. then, at the end of the week withdraw your profits. 6. repeat step 5 indefinitely or until the site goes down(yes it will go down eventually). 7. Greed KILLS U'r welcome..... please register @ btcclock with the following link:

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