Anyone here a Tomoyo boyo?

I love Kyou, number one. Misae's my 2nd, Tomoyo's my 3rd, but are you BOTH trying to tell me it's stupid that Nagisa got with Tomoya because.....that's the story? I mean, I'm not saying I'm like "Woo hoo, my favorite girl didn't get with the main character" or anything but holy crap, grow up or something. It was quite evident that Nagisa needed Tomoya, no one would argue that, that's what makes it so special. It's like you didn't even finish the game or the show.......

I don't really understand why you're getting so mad, I just stated that I don't like Nagisa or her route in Clannad lol

I don't mind opinions but gosh dang, I don't even like arguing anymore but gosh dang, 12 year olds whining about their waifus or something. It's confusing to me and I would love to see how you could possibly respond to me.

See above. I'm also not 12 lol

Also, Tomoyo After, really? I mean, if you like porn, than sure, it's for you, whatever, but come on, it's MORE depressing? That's an opinion anyways again but, nah. Maybe JUST Nagisa's route, MAYBE, okay, but a 3rd of Clannad is dang more depressing than Tomoyo After. Plus, why would it be better that it's depressing? I don't even......whatever.

Nah I agree with you. I feel like a lot of the routes in Clannad are written a lot better and have more of an impact than Tomoyo After does, I just said I felt that way in comparison to Nagisa's route.

This is a light hearted subreddit for fans of Clannad. There's no real need to get hotheaded over someone having an opinion that you might not agree with entirely, we're all entitled to opinions are we not?

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