Anyone here with a history of eating disorders and pregnant?

Hi and congratulations! We're in a similar situation! I'm also 24 and a FTM, my boy is a month old already though:)

I suffered from Anorexia about 8 years ago which turned into Bulimia after 2 years and has been under control for about 2 years. I did throw up on rare occasions, but no more binge eating. Anyway. When I found out I was expecting last year I was also worried about how it would be with weight gain and body changes.

I did loose weight in the first trimester due to nausea, but my baby was growing well and always had a strong heartbeat so I kind of enjoyed this side effect, but didn't encourage it. I ate whenever and whatever the nausea let me. After the nausea was gone I started to gain weight, but exactly as much as I was supposed to. I started to relax and felt good about my belly growing, it was round and cute and hey, my baby was in there!

In the end I gained almost 20kg (~40lbs), a lot of it was water, and I did feel horrible when I had to step on the scale, or when I wanted chocolate, but never in this ED way, as if I was defined by my weight or my value was measured by it. More like I was afraid if it would be hard to loose it all or if I was harming my boy by gaining too much.

Now I'm one month PP and have lost 16kg already, without doing anything. And I see my body completely differently. I love my baby so so much, and my body created this wonderful being. It's awesome. I have stretch marks and my belly doesn't look like I want it, I am heavier than I want to be, but it's ok. My body did an incredible thing and I love it.

I will start working out to get back in shape, but I feel like I healed a little bit more from my eating disorder because of pregnancy.

I hope this helps you a little bit, you can ask me anything:)

I wish you a smooth pregnancy and an adorable baby:)

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