I don't want any pictures taken/shared of my baby

Yes I 100% agree with you!! I have been thinking about it for a long time and still don’t have the perfect wording to say/send out. Lots of people are ok about keeping kids off social media now, but the oldies in particular just don’t get how sending photos of my child to THEIR friends and family who I’ve barely/never met is just as concerning as social media. I have been sent random photos of other people’s babies by my in laws and it boils my blood. Just biding my time and working out the best way to word it. They won’t understand because they likely never had to experience the downfalls of digital privacy invasion.

Unfortunately I’ve had to just accept that I’ll never be able to stop family and friends taking their own photos of my child. But I’m thinking of a ‘show don’t send’ policy. Take a photo on your phone and want to show someone the photo? Sure, when you see that person show them your phone and then take it back. You can SHOW people the photos when they’re with you, but don’t send digital copies to anyone/everyone you know. To MIL and others who don’t get this I’m thinking of explaining it like this - Back in the 90s would you have sent dozens of copies of a photo of a family relative in the mail to all your network every week? No. You had a hard copy photo album visitors could peruse while you made a cup of tea.

Why everyone needs digital copies sent to them on their own devices now is beyond me.

Rant over. Solidarity sister I feel you.

/r/BabyBumps Thread