Anything Goes!

I'm not convinced that any of the hair mod authors for Skyrim actually know what they're doing. There's a particular mod that frustrated me tonight, but what I'm about to say applies to almost every single hair mod ever made for this game.

Humans and elves have different head shapes, so they can't use the same hairs. Naturally, Bethesda properly accounted for this both with their design and with their systems: they made elf hairs that fit elf heads, and they allowed hairs to be designated as race-specific to filter unusable hairstyles out of a player's view.

Hair modders didn't get either of those memos. There isn't a single hair mod on the entire Nexus that fits elves. However, there are hair mods that claim to fit elves... and are blatantly lying. You may download one of these packs, sift through hundreds of hairstyles because none of them are marked as race-specific, and find that pretty much none of the ones intended for elves actually fit elves. You may see hairstyles tagged for elves that hover two whole inches off of the elf's goddamned head. These hairstyles' authors specifically claim that the hairs work with elves, and you can disprove that by looking at them for more than two seconds -- after spending a solid hour scrolling through goddamn hundreds of irrelevant hairs that the authors couldn't be bothered to flag properly.

Why the hell would you specifically claim not only to have tackled a problem, but to have solved it, when you clearly didn't? If it takes two seconds to peg something as broken, then it's not a bloody solution to anything! If you're tackling a problem that plagues the entire type of modding you're about to do, you should be testing.

Everyone's upset about low-effort waifus clogging up the community, but at least the waifu authors aren't claiming to address things they blatantly didn't try to. I'll rate a waifu mod higher than a hair mod any day of the week.

...unless it's a pedobait waifu. Those... just no, dude.

/r/skyrimmods Thread