We apologize

I guess?

I don't know if there are any lessons I can teach people. I don't know if there's anything I can do to help budding entrepreneurs.

This was literally one huge fluke and I got extremely lucky. I did not have a business plan or anything like that. The money just kept rolling in, and the website stayed #1 for the profitable keyword for something like 5 years. It wasn't until Penguin 1.0 that it killed my website.

I have pretty much been a fuck up/slacker all my life (no crimes/violence....just an ex pot head with a real lazy streak) and I hit the proverbial lottery.

Those days of SEO are long gone....at least from a bootstrap type of thing that I did. Nowadays you need solid content and a solid idea to get traffic on the internet. Back in 2007, I could set up a Wordpress site, break all the Google rules and make bank. Nowadays, it's much harder and more costly.

Thinly veiled affiliate sites are no longer working (en masse).

Coupon code sites are dead. You might get lucky with your Amazon product review site....or something along those lines. But the remaining people who do coupon codes now are pros and they have a much bigger bankroll to fend off newbies.

So it would be more of a novelty story for people to gawk at instead of a lesson to budding small business owners.

Have the AMA people hit me up on here if you think people would be interested. As far as providing proof....I cannot do much. Reason being, I'm still making some money with the same affiliate program. I do not want that to get out because I don't want my keywords to get out.

I'm actually living off this money until I'm able to find a full time job.

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