Apparently only right wingers defend America

I agree. Racism and xenophobia are nothing new. I'd rather know who the racist and xenophobes are rather than have them hide in secret.

They aren't going to go away by force. It hasn't worked in Germany. Or any country for that matter. Racism and xenophobia are mostly learned in the home, and if you keep making them hide it, the more they're gonna feel ostracized and be compelled to pass it on even more.

Racism and xenophobia will not die until the world has been globalized to the extent that movement between peoples and cultures is so rapid and present in every nation to a large degree. Even then, we'll just "other" the aliens.

Look at the US, Canada and Australia today, probably the most multicultural first-world societies and racism and xenophobia still exists. Look at Europe even, not quite as multicultural but racism is even more rampant.

The new woke bs is creating even more antagonism from the "other" side. Forcing people to adjust to your worldview never works. You have to show them why your way is better. And even then, they still might not agree or recognize it.

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