What pisses you off instantly?

I'm not sure if there is a word for what I am politically.

I consider myself a socialist by and large. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of hate for that. I also want Universal Healthcare. Hell, I voted for Bernie Sanders.

And I HATE guns. Absolutely despise them. I wish they were illegal to own.

But, here is where I get weird, politically...

I believe in rights. Once something is a right, it should not be an easily changeable or challengeable thing just because the next administration doesn't like it or disagrees. If that's the case, than Rights are little more than longer-term laws.

I hate guns, but I damn well will never vote against them. They are a right, owning them is in the constitution, and it damn well should be respected. I will never vote in a way that would take guns away from people. I would 100% vote against anything that tried to take a right away from you.

I feel that way about anything in the constitution and the bill of rights, really. Even if I don't personally like or agree. Rights are rights, and they should be respected.

I don't know if there is a term for that politically. Rightist, maybe? Socialist-rightist in my case?

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