Are all gays struggling with depression?

I don’t believe I have any depressing thoughts or issues stemming from anything having to do with me being gay. But for a few years now I’ve personally struggled with feeling like I’m worth anything. I feel inadequate, that I’m a piece of shit who can’t do anything right, and that no guy deserves to put up with me. I don’t have it nearly as bad as others do so despite how much I may hurt on the inside, I feel like complaining about my issues are irrelevant in comparison and therefore I never share anything anymore. I put on a brave face so nobody can see my pain, and Ive felt myself slowly becoming more and more reclusive from my family and friends. The quarantine has really pushed that into overdrive for me.

I feel alone even when I’m not, I feel unworthy of love even though I know people care about me. I don’t know what I want to do with my life, right now I just want to hug someone and cry a little bit. I cant even remember the last time I physically held another person.

/r/askgaybros Thread