Are extremely overstatted legendary cards healthy for the game? (Just your daily Darude rant.)

No it really doesn't need a nerf. Look at Rakano it can get 5/5s and 6/6's all day with it's abilities. While sandstorm "Darude" titan is a powerful card it is by no means broken or too powerful. Yes it's mechanics are very good, but the answers to it are sufficient. You have removal in every faction that deals with it. You can silence it, bounce it, transform it, straight up kill it, and even go around, over, or under it. Deadly is a real problem for it to attack into. Dawnwalker with killer and a 5+ strength dude in hand does a great job too. Is it powerful? Yes. Is it in the most oppressive decks in the format? No. Has it been in the past in the most oppressive decks? Yes but the metagame shifted to compensate. Decks were built that dealt with it well enough to win. Is it format warping? No it's not. Darude plays an important role in midrange combrei strategy that allows the deck to exist. There is no way to combat little fast stonescar decks and decks like flight school that jam hyper efficient fliers without some big dumb dude that looks over-powered. When push comes to shove all it takes to beat it is a kill spell. Is it something you need to consider when building a deck yeah it is but so is "war song". Wait what did I just say? Yeah war song the uncommon that is not playable? It destroys Titan. Cast it with only a few creatures on the board and your next threat is a real threat. +3/+3 is Huge. So yes Darude is powerful but the Game is very balanced. Queen actually never got a design nerf. This was a problem when the design got programmed. "It was always supposed to die to lightning storm" is what one of the designers when asked how they missed it in testing. This coding error only came to light after the deck's prominence and it being touted as a deck that got a player of 3 days to Master. Yeah the player was good but not having an answer to kill the Queen and it's minions at or below the CPC was the real issue. The card just had never been an issue in the internal testing and so the coding error and the ramifications had never been felt. It took a solid 2 months of closed beta for the menace and unintentional buff to be realized as a problem so it was solved.

TL;DR; Darude is a fair card and healthy for the game to have in it.

/r/EternalCardGame Thread