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#59: Woo ft. Travis Scott

Average: 5.347 // Total Points: 689.7 // Controversy: 2.721 // Listen here

Highest scores: (11 x1) Awhile2 (10 x6) PuggleMaster, Nfranklin50, MrSwearword, FuckUpSomeCommasYeah, ThereIsNoSantaClaus, FishM8 (9 x5) superr_rad, BearlyEvenAPun, SG432, ThatParanoidPenguin, BEARS_WILL_EAT_YOU (8.9 x1) JohnnyToby (8.8 x1) TheAfricAsian (8.5 x3) mother_rucker, triptoyourheart, VioletChutzkee

Lowest Scores: (0 x4) bluehxrizon, letsallpoo, Reifiui, Palutzel (1 x12) justiceisrad, DrunkHurricane, ExtraEater, dirdbub, CarlyRaeJepsensBitch, twat_brained, 7mad, skiddos, Itsafudgingstick, mgglite, hoolytoledo, SpanKKy1 (1.9 x1) Dracyoshi (2 x5) NapsAndNetflix, TheKneesOfOurBees, Novvois, samlama1827, Bingcrusher

All scores

Sorry Awhile2 but I just can't stand this one. The guitars at the beginning immediately make me want to hit skip. Please don't kill me or nuke the sub. Also I meant to take out the "ft. Travis Scott" since he's not officially featured but people already sent in the scores so I just decided to leave it there. This song isn't worth the effort.

Well, we might as well start with the song's sole 11-giver, Awhile2: "im gonna cry when this song gets cut on day one. I love the distorted guitar production and Rihanna’s aggressiveness ughhhhhhh". I hope your tears are short-lived. JoeThaMo seems to like it as well: "I don't get why so many people hate this song, it sounds great and fits the album's mood super well imo". calltehshots also praises it: "I feel like this would playing during a murder scene in a serial killer movie and I’m here for it." Imagine this being the last thing you hear before you die. #Yikes. Also, CarlyRaeJepsensBitch has perhaps the strangest comparison in the entire rate: "Is this a worse 6 inch knockoff? Yes. Did it come out before 6 inch? Yes. Do I care? No."

There were some other people who enjoyed the track as well. superr_rad is ready to fight half the sub: "I like this. The music is interesting and it's vibey. I think Travis Scott is great on it. Fight me." ThereIsNoSantaClaus has her back, though: "I love that crunching guitar and the production in general, it’s probably the grittiest song on the album and gives me BBHMM teas which is always a good thing. I kinda wish Travis Scott had a full verse instead of doing Woos but Rihanna slays it. Wish more songs on this album were like it", as well as BEARS_WILL_EAT_YOU: "One of my favourites. I fucking love when she is a bad bitch." And I think eklxtreme also approves: "very interesting trap production that pretty much carries the song, major Travis Scott vibes (oh shit i didn’t look at the features and i was right". Well, at least she has the mods on her side. Oh, and MrSwearword: "Deliciously fucked up and evil. I love it."

-dolantello- is confused yet bopping: "I dont know what the fuck this is but it goes so hard every time". JohnnyToby seems to agree: "goes hard". LuigiEatsPopcorn praises a part of the song nobody else did: "I just love the chords to this song." Whatever you say, sis!

On the other side of things, the song had plentiful haters:

skiddos, who willingly listens to Demi Lovato: "I want my hearing back"

Macubass: "fucking trash"

mokitsu: "This song is messy and all over the place but I love the production and Rih's vocal delivery! This grew on me a lot!"

Rourke_: "It overstays its welcome, should either be shortened or it should develop more"

mgglite: "sounds like some high school kid fucking around with a synthesizer at the back of a music store"

holly_foxxy: "i want to like this song So Bad but i just get so bored"

ProphecyPizza: "starts off good, but it gets boring REAL quick."

MihaMijat just looked at his flair again: "Ew"

enecks: "This song sounds janky and unpleasant"

estreindre: "tbh i feel like i should hate this song but it works in a really weird way for me??"

SpanKKy1 has diagnosed the sympton, but perhaps not the cause: "This production gave me an aneurysm". Are you sure that's not because of the other music you willingly listen to?

omgcow: "I feel like there’s just a lil bit too much being done to the vocals. Kinda sounds like a demo tbh"

Palutzel is not here for Rih's ARTPOP: "what. is. this. experimental? no, just plain bad."

Death_Soup: "wtf is this? Love you Rih, but this is awful."

soeri, who used this comment for way too many songs so I'm going to be shady with these now: "trash"

Itsafudgingstick brings up one of Britney's best for some reason: "Be happy that Private Show exists". But that's a 10/10?

dirdbub is just confused: "what is this? literally what is going on"

NapsAndNetflix echoes what calltehshots says: "the instrumental sounds like the score to a horror movie and I mean that in a bad way"

Also, some people just drag Travis, who I should have left out of the title but whatever:

JunkyGS: "Travis & the chorus ruin the song, but I love the production, the lyrics (listen to that opening line!) and Rihanna serves vocals per usual."

TonyRealm: "This sounds cheap, like they made it 5 minutes. It’s really repetitive, Travis is meh, the effects on Rihanna’s voice are somewhat intriguing but nowhere near enough to save this."

blue_charles: "I both love and hate the beat, which is big, plodding and sometimes to the detriment to the song overshadows Rihanna. Not as wild about Travis' adlibs either, they feel super tacked on and the song does seem to overstay it's welcome at nearly 4 minutes."

I can't tell if snidelaughter is praising or dragging Travis, but I'm throwing his comment in this section anyway: "This is actually really worse than I remember it being. Rihanna's the saving grace on the song, but Travi$ Scott is a bad influence on this song. The vocal effects are kinda annoying because Rihanna really doesn't need them. It might work if Travi$ were the vocalist, but Rihanna doesn't have the edge he has in his voice, even if she has the better voice."

ImADudeDuh: "NGL, I was waiting for Travis the show up the whole time..."

SkyBlade79: "The production is jarring and frankly bad, Travis adds nothing, but I do like her vocals on this song. They’re nice and varied."

veryunfinished: "weeoooweeooow. the verses aren’t bad but something about the chorus is really grating."

THE_PE_DEMANDS_BLOOD: "Can I get paid to just go 'woooooo' on a Rihanna track too?"

seferre2: "this song is so gritty...... i never knew this was travis but that woooooo is creepy"

huntyphobic: "The wooing makes me want to die but i appreciate the rest of the song."

And some people were mostly ambivalent:

Therokinrolla: "Apparently not many people like this one but its not bad tbh"

havanabrown: "The beat is pretty intense. Makes me wanna punch a wall or something"

BlasiFeelsSwift is very descriptive: "this isn't that bad"

Willybae00: "also feels like a filler to me"

cloudbustingmp3: "this song isn't bad but it doesn't really go anywhere"

jamesfog: "This is usually a song I skip"

bliamc: "The autotune is pretty awful on here."

tiltheendoftheline: "I quite like this but it gets boring fast."

Nerdy_boy_chris: "I love the way this sounds."

Wailordfan: "Eh. Super forgettable. Don't like the production here."

Anyway, fuck this song. Here's other comments.

DoctorWhoWhenHowWhy is too nice, which will be a recurring theme once again: "This song is not that bad as some people would say. But I can understand why this song may not be generally well-liked. The guitar hook was nice as an intro but the fact that the hook is in the enitre song makes this song hard to listen to on replay. Also, Rihanna sounds like she recorded her vocals on a tin can. This song has potenital to be great but the end result is just mediocre at best."

a_rain_of_tears: "Almost halfway through, decided already that I don't like Rihanna's slow tunes. Thank god it's such a short album."

ThatParanoidPenguin: "One of my personal favorites. I was concerned going in, because I didn't know how Travi$' style would translate to Rihanna's. However, the song is fantastic. In fact, she does the druggy distorted guitars just as well as Travi$ does, and it would be dope to see more collars like this."

qetaz: "I'm not into the synths, or the distortion of her voice. Again, the style is not really my thing. Oddly though, I can imagine this working really well in certain movies. Actually it's begging for a place on a dark soundtrack!!"

TheKneesOfOurBees: "Q:What even is this song? A:A mess."

sweetnsoursauce1: "that last minute boosted it half a point for me"

ExtraEater: "I highkey just gave this a 1 because of raicicle." Poor /u/raicicle. He didn't even give this his 0!

VioletChutzkee: "I don't think this sub likes this song very much, but I think it's dope."

joshually: "I took the Strength Finders test a few years ago and found one of my 'strengths' to be Woo. This basically means I am persuasive and am good at getting others to see my POV and/or do my bidding. This song is not that. It's not strong, persuasive or like any good at all."

And let's conclude with twat_brained: "This track is messy. End of discussion." Agreed. Let's move on to better songs now.

/r/the_ina Thread