Just someone.. just convince me I'm not trans because I don't want to be. I want the gender dysphoira out of my body.

It’s not just now that op is actively hurting others.

They posted like 2 weeks ago, and again before that, always gets the same advise and helpful responses just to spit it back at us and call us clowns and freaks and how we don’t understand and are just confusing them to make them transition. Then goes on about wanting conversion therapy to get rid of the curse

They’ve been given the advise and continue to be so rude and shitty to us despite the kindness from everyone.

I’m done with it, shit needs banning from the sub they got the advise they need, but keep coming back and stirring it all up again, it’s negative and triggering for so many people here, who have working fucking hard to get over this shitty attitude towards themselves

/r/transgenderUK Thread Parent