
Simple. SJWs think the world revolves around a narrative of "oppressed black people." In reality, there are many other minorities, each with their other unique experiences. Mexicans, Arabs, Cherokee, Philipinos, and Jews, to name a few.

True, the black community have a very tragic history, and they do have it hard, with very tragic cases of racism you hear on the news once in awhile. Racism is NOT a joke, and when it comes to excessive police force, we must acknowledge why the Black Lives Matter movement is so important.

However, at the same time, we cannot just look through a lens of black matters and only black matters. For example, according to statscan 2013 analysis of police reports, despite the Jewish population being significantly less than the Black community, Jews experience just as much reports of hate crimes as Black people. Using basic math of ratios and statistical analysis, it could be argued that a Jew is significantly more likely to experience racism than a Black Person! We can prove that mathematically! (Oh yeah, by the way, Jews like Weinstein are PoC too, you know!)

Where are the Jews protesting on college campuses, spray-painting graffiti, threatening professors, and smashing science building windows? Oh, what's that? The Jews have accepted the difficulties they have faced, so rather than complain about a majority of their population being slaughtered less than a century ago, parents taught their children to work extra hard and become doctors, lawyers, and entertainers? Wouldn't you know!

But seriously, other minorities experience racism too. There are also the challenges facing the Arab community, in which Muslim women are regularly judged for wearing the Hijab, laws seek to discriminate against Arabs (such as the infamous "travel ban"), amongst many other things.

Mexicans? Oh yeah. They experience tons of racism too. Trump calls them rapists, and the ignorant american public have this stupdi neurosis that they are "stealing" their jobs.

And less than 100 years ago, Canada kept the Japanese community in PRISON CAMPS! How is the Japanese community of Canada doing today?

Native Americans and residential schools? Oh yeah. Idle No More was a big thing until Black Lives Matter hijacked the spotlight.

True that no one shares the same history as the Black community, but their tragedy is hardly unique in the world at large. The world does not revolve around the black community, nor' do other minorities, such as the Jews, owe them anything!

If they want to make a difference and improve the statistical social class of the black community, then be the change you want to be. Make a successful life for yourself, and your children, instead of throwing it away for activism because life isn't perfect.

There are issues with living in a multicultural society, there will always be microscopic-unconscious racism against EVERYONE no matter race, creed, or color, oh well, life isn't perfect, get used to it. That's what living in a multicultural society is like. Too bad, now get a fucking job.

/r/evergreen Thread