[B&A] One year of a simple skin care routine of cleanser, moisturizer, and differin.

Routine is as follows:

  • Cerave Cleanser (PM)
  • Differin (PM)
  • Cerave Moiturizer (PM)

I know it's simple, but I am so much happier now than I was before! My initial concerns were that my skin was way too oily. The cleanser helped that to start, but ended up drying out my skin. Moisturizer resolved that issue completely.

I'm not on any medications, but the biggest non-product change I made was cleaning up my diet. My wife and I do a vegan meal kit delivery service and I'm eating roughly 80% vegan with a significant reduction in dairy intake specifically. I tracked my progress throughout the year, and the diet change is what put me from 80% happy to 100% happy with my routine!

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread Link - imgur.com