AskTRP's advice for someone whose girlfriend was recently raped is TRP-tastic

are you sure that everything bad they taught you about the patriarchy is true?

I'm willing to concede that perhaps it's not. You're missing the point. You tried to appeal to my sense of justice earlier, now I'm appealing to yours. What you're suggesting is asking - requiring - half of the population to accept second-class citizenship. To give up their expectation of self-actualization as fully formed human beings. I'd argue that this is a much greater sacrifice than some men not being able to find a "partner of equal SMV."

you can never imagine extended loneliness...since you wouldn't have the male sex drive.

Is this about getting hot girls on your dick, or not? You keep trying to make this "I can't get girls of equal SMV to fuck me" complaint into a civil rights issue.

However long you were an ugly duckling, you had your family and friends at school, and hope.

I had none of those things. Do you know what my life looked like? Bullying at school, neglect at home. Clinical depression and anxiety from an early age. Don't tell me what my experience was or is.

Dismissing hypergamy as a minor issue is an utterly "let them eat cake" attitude.

Dismissing historical sexism as a minor issue is an utterly "let them eat cake" attitude.

Without a prerequisite understanding and acceptance of "chicks dig jerks," the patriarchy appears barbaric.

I get it - it's the "women are happier when men dominate them" argument. But you don't get that, while that may be true sexually, it is not true in all other arenas.

The samizdat authors behind the Iron Curtain, and Thomas Paine, were all good for nothing cowards in your book, I suppose.

You're not Václav Havel.

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