It's true

Lol coming from the girl who shoehorned sexism and anti-male sentiment in her first paragraph from thin air. That’s rich.

You’re right she has no obligation, just as Trump, Republicans and McConnell have no obligation to sign a budget without what they want. They’re using what leverage they have to get what they want. The same scenario played out over Obamacare, this is unfortunately part of our political system, but blaming the entirety of the shutdown on one party is asinine.

So far your party has already given funds towards a wall and have magically changed their position when it went against Trump, who happens to be the first person determined to make it so. They say they’ll give money towards border security but have offered no solutions or suggestions that would change the status quo. You’re playing the role of useful idiot because you also have no new solutions, you simply don’t want trump to get his way.

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