***AVOID**** NASDACK Free stock from robinhood

Can you tell me why you did not mark this dead, when this is not a HIT? These posts are not allowed, only HITs with links can be posted here, this was removed by m1327 instead but with you commenting on this looks really bad being a part of the team.

If this comes up again, with a user posting anything other than a HIT please politely tell them this is not allowed here because we are a sub for posting HITs that are worth turking for on Amazon only. You can recommend a sub you may know of that they can post to, like this one would have been /r/mturk since it is a discussion. If you do not know of a sub no problem but this and other posts that are not HITs are not allowed and really being a mod of the sub despite you being flair, you do have access to mail which is where I found this in. If you have questions about what you are supposed to do as a flair mod please message in mod mail so this does not happen again. Not really trying to be rude but this is not the first time I have seen you commenting on posts that should be marked dead or there is an indication in mod mail from the auto mod or a user. Really just want you to know that there is help available to help you know what a flair mod does , commenting on these types of posts is not one of them unless it is to tell them it is not allowed here nicely and mark it dead.

/r/HITsWorthTurkingFor Thread Parent