Baby Eczema Lotion

We tried all lotions see my instagram page all there

my son had severe eczema when he was 8 months really bad we did gut healing diet and creams meds and probiotics he is 2 and eczema free. join my instagram page to follow my sons journey. If you have any questions please d.m. me there hope to help you in anyway. My son is now getting introduced to new foods and he can have gluten, almonds, little egg and some we are on the right path. my page is for moms to share and learn nothing to sell. I don't support different creams and their companies and their overnight solutions. Eczema is a long journey to healing and in my opinion it was the diet eliminnation and the meds and creams and all in a holistic approach.
He did skin prick testing and tested positive for a lot of things and we did blood tests. Message me I can share with you anytime
Our son's story to give you a perspective 1. Born in 2019. Breastfed. No formula. I wanted to avoid dairy from the start as I had severe eczema as a child and had allergies to dairy products. Both sides of the family suffer from eczema. He had a positive allergy test for eggs, milk and oatmeal for eczema. Epi pen for nuts like almonds and eggs. We have not yet taken up the food challenge for this. The eczema started when my son was 6 months old, so I started the diet with chicken broth, chicken and vegetables to heal the intestines right away. 3. A cycle of oral antibiotics (1 week) (due to invisible infection, just swollen inguinal lymph nodes) 4. Topical antibiotic cream for the whole body for 1 week 5. Continuous betamethasone and hydrocortisone cream until today. Minimal use now only for problem areas 6. Two months of Atarax, an oral antihistamine for eczema when her skin was bad. Only when he was so itchy he couldn't


  1. Continued chicken broth three times a day. He can have gluten now one slice a day, some milk, slowly starting on the egg and the but at the food clinic at the hospital.

  2. He can eat what he was allergic to but in small amounts so we are building his tolerance with the help of the food clinic at the hospital

3.Femented foods to promote food bacteria in tbe gutnow that the cut is healing

  1. No more antibiotics or Atarax. We needed that to get over the hump, get over the worse part of the eczema

  2. Going forward using vaseline lotion, vaseline petroleum jelly, sometimes shea butter, hydrocortisone and betamethasone still being used but in very little amounts and only for any problem areas of eczema which are some to none

  3. He skin feels so much better when he is having the soup one to three times a day you can feel a difference in his skin. We stopped the soup for a week or so and you can see the skin does react to what he is eating. I believe the collagen in the soup is the best for healing his gut. It may not be healed 100% but that will take time but I am hopeful. Even if he never stops eating soup that's fine...its good for the immune system anyway in my opinion. Sharing our journey and all information us what we went through.

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