Is it traumatizing for a person who doesn't eat cows for religious reasons to find out they accidentally did?

Not all do but some go through some form of stages of grief.

The feeling equates to you finding out that you just ate the cute puppy you were so fond of. Then despair, regret, confusion, and sadness rushes in.

You begin to question your own self discipline. There was one thing, just one thing, that was for whatever reason forbidden to eat... and, albeit accidentally, you did the one thing you were told not to do your whole life.

You start to rationalize. You start digging into the reason why it is even forbidden. I have my own theory but I digress. You look for who else within your culture have gone through what you just did (voluntary or involuntary).

This was my experience. While I went through these thoughts, some of my friends could care less.

/r/Nepal Thread