Is this bad news for REQ?

Personally I would be more worried about the EY release. The entire Request team has apparently been working on encryption for months now, and EY are releasing their privacy/zkSNARKs implementation into the public domain.

This is the downside of the slow pace of development and lack of any visible progress: the industry won't stand still while Request works in silence. By the time they release their encryption, it might have already become a commodity.

Building a system that allows Alice to write data to IPFS in a way that can only be read by Bob is a trivial problem (<1 week for a team this size), so presumably the Request encryption work is a lot more in-depth than this, and might include their own zkSNARKs implementation. Given that the team has chosen not to give any visibility into the details of their work it is impossible to gauge how closely EY's work overlaps with Request's, and how much of a concern this really is.

/r/RequestNetwork Thread