Banned from r/random_acts_of_amazon by u/nacho_cheezus

Your mod messaged me to taunt me and then muted me like a pussy. I called him out on here, and you’ve now been on a tantrum like rant against me via comments for the better half of three hours while calling me a baby for making a post that you’re for lack of better words, insinuating was a tantrum.

I hope something terrible happens to you, so you can understand what depression is. Then, I hope you go onto the internet for support and acceptance, but are denied it from assholes like your mod (and I suppose you), who ironically pose as decent people in subs like yours. I hope you’re “muted,” after being taunted, and I hope some asshole spends three hours insulting you for having your feelings hurt and gaslights you, so that you can be discredited with a lengthy explanation.

Now im done, until you comment again, in which case I suppose I’ll comment again, until the cycle breaks.

/r/ReportTheBadModerator Thread Parent