Battle replays

Issue with the battle replay!?

TL:DR of the actual problem at the bottom:

So I was just doing a siege battle in the campaign as the Empire, and Varg had been besieging and agent spamming my castle for like 5 turns (It was another factions castle that I absorbed), so my garrison started at half health. They actually attacked me when their second army arrived, they had all been in the March stance so they were all winded, and they were all on between less than half/half numbers. Manned the walls and towers with gunners, put the greatsword dudes and swordsmen inbetween, mortars at the back with the cav, and the 3 lots of Halberdiers around the gate to get the trolls if they broke through. Yeah, they got absolutely destroyed. The actual ending stats for the fight were:

Empire: Adelbert Schumacher - Deployed 572, Losses - 30 Varg: Surtha Ek & Reinforcment - Deployed 1722, Losses - 1222

(I can post pictures as proof of the victory)

So after repelling this onslaught I felt invincible, so I saved the replay and immediately went to re-watch it and marvel at this impressive feat I had just performed. About 2 minutes in I started to notice that things were happening slightly differently, and units weren't actually doing what I had told them when I played the battle. I continued watching though and was getting more and more frustrated as it was blatantly obvious that this wasn't what I had done. I actually ended up loosing the battle in the replay. So I have no idea what the hell it records or where it got it from, but it didn't record my game. Has anyone else experienced this???

TL:DR The Record Replay function after a battle didn't actually record the battle I played, it seemed to record a totally different one that I didn't fight. Even though I won the battle when I fought it, I lost the battle when I watched the replay.

Yeah, I had the same thing the other day. It's really annoying.

/r/totalwar Thread