I hope nobody noticed that ...

I've not followed WH3 but why is there speculation support for the game is over? WH series is massive?

I don't think people seriously believed the game has been abandoned. However, with the abandonment of 3k (another game they made that was relatively popular) some are uncomfortable and are drawing comparisons.

To put it simply, the WH3 team have been silent for over two months. No social media postings, no updates or blogs, nothing. People are concerned because this was a similar pattern to the 3k shenanigans.

The total war community, predictably, started whining and posting about it. However, the whining was to an extentn justified, because two months of literally nothing from the devs is not great.

Eventually, the team finally responded, but it was clear the response was not organic but merely a kickback from the criticism. The TW team were planning on being quiet for far longer.

Naturally, allegations that the community is "toxic" or "entitled" flew around because the community was spamming for days. You aren't allowed to be disappointed or complain about what you consider to he poor business practice.

In the end though, whether good or not, whether a dangerous thing or not, the amount of whining and bitching generated results. Thus, its going to be more common going forward.

/r/totalwar Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it