Have been wanting a TMNT tattoo since I was a kid.... think I may have found the image

no tattoo artist is going to want to do that. no one u should want to touch you. if this is really it, it does not work on the body unless you go full back tat. i cant say this enough, please dont do that. what you do is think about Where. then what can fit. THESE are the MOST important. lots of pl that regret tats don't regret what, they regret where or size.
after that, shop for an artist. once you know where and size, go to an artist and give them this and what you are thinking. LET THEM "play with it". the more they are into it, the better it will look. if they focus on the foot soldier samurai mask or the lines they are eager to do in the shells etc; maybe you dont like their vision and now you know. communicate that. if you are especially picky or time consuming, pay them for their help. if you are in a place that just wants to put a needle in you or doesnt care who does, just turn around and walk out the door. and since you've never had a tat before, be especially wary of this.
to do this piece justice, u have to account for all the negative space. too much detail congregated in one area and it flows bottom left to upper right. chop it up way smaller. think u down left right, bodies are a T pose. not an abstract of a rectangle. hope this helps.

/r/TMNT Thread Link - i.redd.it