My [25F] BF's[36m] family thinks he's too good for me

I don't know what I'd do if he proposes.

A proposal shouldn't come out of the blue. You should be on the same page about timelines, and if you're not ready for marriage, you need to tell him what's wrong.

He and his family are stinking rich and besides my looks, I've not much else going for me. I had to drop out of college to work three jobs to help with my family's expenses. We met while I was working at the bar BF frequents and he charmed the pants off me. We were very sexually compatible and things took off from there. We've been going out for just under two years.

How about working on your self-esteem? You're only 25 and you sound hard-working. It's not too late to do an apprenticeship, do an online degree or certificate etc. Get in touch with a career advisor and see what's out there.

/r/relationship_advice Thread