Before John Calvin was there any Christian theologian who already defended double predestination (Augustine or even another)? Is this doctrine held by the Roman Catholic Church?

Thank you very much friend.
Currently I have no proximity to any church. But in the Catholic past I never expressed the slightest concern about the subject of predestination. I didn't even know what
it was, I'd never heard of it.
Only in the Protestant milieu did a paranoia about predestination arise in my life as if it
were the most important subject in life. I became a Calvinist and then I dropped all that. Totally dry, cerebral, cold, rational, intellectual discussions.
Today I do not believe that God predestines anyone to anything. I believe that God created human freedom and allows human beings to make their own choices.
Double predestination is the most diabolical thing I've known among hyper-Calvinists.

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